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The Office of the Auditor-General (OAG) hosted the Audit Advisory Committee (AAC) familiarisation workshop on 23 July 2024. The workshop was held under the theme, “Advancing Corporate Governance in the Office of the Auditor-General.”

The workshop was held to welcome two new AAC members, Advocate Lintle Tuke, President of the Law Society of Lesotho, and Ms. Ntšiuoa Jaase, representing the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. The workshop aimed to familiarise the new members with the OAG’s mandate, role, functions, achievements, and challenges, and to provide them with insights on good governance.

Key issues discussed by the Chairperson of the AAC, Mr. Sebehela Selepe, in his opening remarks, included the AAC’s role in helping the OAG achieve independence to improve its performance and duties. He mentioned that one of the Office’s primary goals in the ongoing National Reforms process is to transform the OAG so that it reports directly to a specific Parliamentary committee, rather than having its reports presented to and tabled by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning. The aim is to elevate the OAG to the status of a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) within the Constitution.

Mr. Chaka Nkofo, the Managing Director and Principal Consultant of Ahava Consulting, delivered a comprehensive presentation on key issues such as board excellence, the directorship landscape, and common challenges in directorship and board management. He emphasised the importance of excellence in boards and corporate governance, particularly in the public sector, and highlighted the crucial role to be played by the AAC in this regard. Mr. Nkofo further shared best practices and insights on creating high-performing board teams, offering valuable guidance to participants on enhancing governance and oversight in the public sector.

The AAC members and the Management of the OAG attended the workshop. For more pictures click here



A fun-walk career guidance was held as part of public outreach campaign, to raise awareness about the OAG’s role, significance and its impact. Participants included auditors, media, ‘Mamathe High School (Grades 10 and 11) as well as Berea’s District Education Manager and District Administrator. The event was held on the 25th September 2023. For more pictures click here